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Submit a Video Resume

Ready to move up in the ranks? A video resume is the way to promote yourself.

Just answer a few quick questions via text and video, and you’ll be ready to march forward.

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    Video Résumé Tips

    We assure you that we are not looking for your video resume to be an Oscar winning production – your future employer wants to get a clear (moving) picture of who you are and what you have to offer. Modern technology makes it easy to shoot with just about anything at hand, including smartphones and webcams. Here are a few tips for presenting yourself in the best light.

    • Dress to impress: For better or worse, we live in a world of appearances. So dress as if you’re going to an interview – nothing too sexy or sloppy!
    • Jot down notes before shooting: Not only will this help with the organization of your video resume, but you’ll also feel more confident when you know what to say next.
    • Take a test shot: Make sure that the lighting is presentable and the audio is crystal clear. Dark rooms and loud, outside noises can obscure your message.
    • Edit with easy to use programs: Unless you’re Daniel Day Lewis, perfecting a scene in one take is pretty darn hard. Accessible editing tools like iMovie, movie magic and some iPhone apps allow you to combine your best shots in seconds.

    What should you say? Introduce yourself with specifics from your career. Explain how you used leadership to solve a problem. Outline your approach to managing a disciplined team. Just imagine an interviewer asking you just the right questions to highlight your valuable skills – and sell it!